…“you’re an editor, aren’t you?”
More than 20 years ago, a neighbor arrived on my front porch holding a large manilla envelope. Mr. Worthing was an old-school gentleman. That day — like all others — he was dressed in a suit and tie.
“Mrs. Miller, you’re an editor, aren’t you?” he asked.
“Well…yes…,” I hesitated, unaware that Mr. Worthing knew anything about my professional life.
He said that he had composed poetry for three decades and wanted me to transform his collection into a coffee table-quality book.
I acknowledged my skills in managing publications, developing content and media relations. However, I explained, I had no experience in bookmaking.
Mr. Worthing insisted that I learn the skills necessary to design his legacy book — and paid me to do so.
Earnings from the basic, spiral-bound Down River, Up River funded my first quarter in graduate school, and knowledge gained through Mr. Worthing’s persistence qualified me for my next professional role.